2024 2024 PNAS Tracking the topology of neural manifolds across populations Iris H.R. Yoon, Gregory Henselman-Petrusek, Yiyi Yu, and 3 more authors Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024 DOI Bib HTML @article{YoonPNAS, title = {Tracking the topology of neural manifolds across populations}, author = {Yoon, Iris H.R. and Henselman-Petrusek, Gregory and Yu, Yiyi and Ghrist, Robert and Smith, Spencer and Giusti, Chad}, year = {2024}, journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, volume = {121}, number = {46}, pages = {e2407997121}, doi = {10.1073/pnas.2407997121}, } preprint Dowker duality, profunctors, and spectral sequences Iris H. R. Yoon 2024 DOI Bib HTML @article{yoonDowker, title = {Dowker duality, profunctors, and spectral sequences}, author = {Yoon, Iris H. R.}, year = {2024}, publisher = {arXiv}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2408.13136}, } Bull Math Biol Relational persistent homology for multispecies data with application to the tumor microenvironment Bernadette J. Stolz, Jagdeep Dhesi, Joshua A. Bull, and 3 more authors Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2024 DOI Bib HTML @article{stolz2023relational, title = {Relational persistent homology for multispecies data with application to the tumor microenvironment}, author = {Stolz, Bernadette J. and Dhesi, Jagdeep and Bull, Joshua A. and Harrington, Heather A. and Byrne, Helen M. and Yoon, Iris H. R.}, year = {2024}, journal = {Bulletin of Mathematical Biology}, doi = {10.1007/s11538-024-01353-6}, } preprint Deciphering the diversity and sequence of extracellular matrix and cellular spatial patterns in lung adenocarcinoma using topological data analysis 2024 DOI Bib HTML @article{yoonLungTDA, title = {Deciphering the diversity and sequence of extracellular matrix and cellular spatial patterns in lung adenocarcinoma using topological data analysis}, author = {}, year = {2024}, publisher = {bioRXiv}, doi = {10.1101/2024.01.05.574362}, } 2023 2023 preprint Topological classification of tumour-immune interactions and dynamics Jingjie Yang, Heidi Fang, Jagdeep Dhesi, and 5 more authors 2023 DOI Bib HTML @article{yang2023topological, title = {Topological classification of tumour-immune interactions and dynamics}, author = {Yang, Jingjie and Fang, Heidi and Dhesi, Jagdeep and Yoon, Iris H. R. and Bull, Joshua A. and Byrne, Helen M. and Harrington, Heather A. and Grindstaff, Gillian}, year = {2023}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2308.05294}, copyright = {arXiv.org perpetual, non-exclusive license} } JACT Persistent Extension and Analogous Bars: Data-Induced Relations Between Persistence Barcodes Hee Rhang Yoon, Robert Ghrist, and Chad Giusti Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, 2023 DOI Bib HTML @article{analogous_bars, doi = {10.1007/s41468-023-00115-y}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41468-023-00115-y}, author = {Yoon, Hee Rhang and Ghrist, Robert and Giusti, Chad}, journal = {Journal of Applied and Computational Topology}, title = {Persistent Extension and Analogous Bars: Data-Induced Relations Between Persistence Barcodes}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2023} } 2022 2022 preprint Hypergraphs for multiscale cycles in structured data Agnese Barbensi, Hee Rhang Yoon, Christian Degnbol Madsen, and 3 more authors 2022 DOI Bib HTML @article{hyperTDA, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2210.07545}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.07545}, author = {Barbensi, Agnese and Yoon, Hee Rhang and Madsen, Christian Degnbol and Ajayi, Deborah O. and Stumpf, Michael P. H. and Harrington, Heather A.}, title = {Hypergraphs for multiscale cycles in structured data}, publisher = {arXiv}, year = {2022}, copyright = {arXiv.org perpetual, non-exclusive license} } 2020 2020 preprint Persistence by Parts: Multiscale Feature Detection via Distributed Persistent Homology Hee Rhang Yoon, and Robert Ghrist 2020 Bib HTML @misc{yoon2020persistence, title = {Persistence by Parts: Multiscale Feature Detection via Distributed Persistent Homology}, author = {Yoon, Hee Rhang and Ghrist, Robert}, year = {2020}, eprint = {2001.01623}, archiveprefix = {arXiv}, primaryclass = {math.AT} } 2019 2019 CMB Towards an understanding of RNA structural modalities: a riboswitch case study Hee Rhang Yoon, Aaztli Coria, Alain Laederach, and 1 more author Computational and Mathematical Biophysics, 2019 DOI Bib HTML @article{YoonCoriaLaederachHeitsch, author = {Yoon, Hee Rhang and Coria, Aaztli and Laederach, Alain and Heitsch, Christine}, doi = {doi:10.1515/cmb-2019-0004}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1515/cmb-2019-0004}, title = {Towards an understanding of RNA structural modalities: a riboswitch case study}, journal = {Computational and Mathematical Biophysics}, number = {1}, volume = {7}, year = {2019}, pages = {48--63} } 2018 2018 Ph.D. thesis Cellular Sheaves and Cosheaves For Distributed Topological Data Analysis Hee Rhang Yoon University of Pennsylvania, 2018 Bib HTML @phdthesis{Yoon_dissertation, title = {Cellular Sheaves and Cosheaves For Distributed Topological Data Analysis}, school = {University of Pennsylvania}, author = {Yoon, Hee Rhang}, year = {2018} } 2013 2013 Coll. Math Mancala Matrices L. Taalman, A. Tongen, B. Warren, and 2 more authors The College Mathematics Journal, 2013 DOI HTML